In lightbox: Hover over images for info.
< 2012:
< 2008: From the project/book A Drawing is an Unsafe Environment:
Artist´s books:

Top row, from the left: A Drawing is an Unsafe Environment, Revolver - Archiv für aktuelle Kunst 2008; That´s when the rabbit taught the eagle a lesson with a Smith & Wesson (25 pages contribution), Fluens Forlag 2010; Scheme for Constructing Essentially New Ideas, (map), Flamingoeffekten 2008; Langs med fortællingen løber baner af bly, Den Danske Radeerforening 2014; Below from the left: Great Power, Space Poetry 2007; Staple #1, Space Poetry 2007; I´m Sure Not, Space Poetry 2003; Pist Protta nr. 96 2023 (dummy).
PDF about Langs med fortællingen løber baner af bly, Den Danske Radeerforening 2014